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17 Air Purifying House Plants

May 13, 2022 by Logistics
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1. Aloe Vera: Toxic if Eaten

2. Areca palm: non-Toxic if eaten

3. Golden Cane palm: non-Toxic if eaten

4. Butterfly palm: non-Toxic if eaten

5. Bamboo palm: Non-toxic if eaten

6. Boston Fern: Non-toxic if eaten

7. Devil’s ivy: Toxic if eaten

8. Money plant: Toxic if eaten

9. Golden pothos: Toxic if eaten

10. Dracaena: Toxic if eaten

11. English ivy: mildly toxic if eaten

12. Ficus: toxic if eaten

13. Weeping Fig: toxic if eaten

14. Rubber plant: toxic if eaten

15. Mother in law’s tongue: mildly toxic in eaten

16. Snake plant: mildly toxic in eaten

17. Philodendron: toxic if eaten

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