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Immunity-Boosting Kadha Recipe

May 13, 2022 by Logistics
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Here we bring you an easy immunity-boosting kadha recipe that can be prepared with some common herbs and spices like tulsi, ginger, turmeric, mulethi, cinnamon, black pepper, and cloves. The best part is you can prepare and store it for future use. All these herbs and spices are power-packed with various health-benefiting nutrients and can be found easily in any Indian kitchen.

Ginger- 1 inch

Raw turmeric- 1 inch

Tulsi- 8-10

Mulethi- 4-5 sticks

Cinnamon- 4-5 sticks

Black pepper- 10-12

Cloves- 10-12

Water- 8-10 cups

Step 1. Pour the water into a saucepan and put all the ingredients in it.

Step 2. Boil it for at least 1 hour on a low/medium flame.

Step 3. Switch off the flame and cool it down.

How To Store This Immunity Boosting Kadha:
You can store this kadha for 2 days in the refrigerator. All you need to do is, strain the drink in a sterilized airtight glass bottle and close the lid well. Warm it well before drinking. Do not warm the whole thing; just take as much you need.

Pro-tip: You may also add some green tea, lemon, and honey while warming this kadha for consumption.

Stay healthy, stay safe!

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